Few natural ways to stop hair fall 

Treatment for hair loss or thinning hair can be difficult, and not all methods may be effective for you. It might not be feasible to grow your hair back if you have a condition that can cause hair loss or are experiencing a specific type of pattern baldness. However, it...

Food items to boost your immune system

You are what you consume, which is a well-known fact. A well-balanced diet full of nutrient-dense foods has been proven through years of research to be your best line of shield against serious and chronic illnesses including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.   But did you know that the foods you...

Some common mistakes to avoid while dealing with dengue

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that affects numerous people around the world. It can cause severe flu-like symptoms, and in some cases, it can lead to life-threatening complications. While there is no such specific treatment for dengue but the vaccine is still under clinical trials. It is generally...

Tips to get rid of dandruff naturally

Most of us associate dandruff with the flaky, white substance that might appear on the scalp or, more awkwardly, on the shoulders of a good, dark sweater. Knowing how to get rid of dandruff is the difficult part. It's frustrating that the majority of us don't know that. You might...

Know how you can get rid of varicose veins

Legs frequently suffer from varicose veins, which occur when the veins just under the skin swell and twist. Due to the broken or worn-out vein valves, this disorder inhibits blood flow, causing blood to pool around the affected location. This is how the veins enlarge and develop a dark blue...

Important tips to avoid psoriasis flare-ups

The immune system malfunction that causes psoriasis causes your skin cells to proliferate much more quickly than they should. New skin cells don't develop naturally over a week; they do so in a handful of days. These extra skin cells build up on the surface of your skin, forming raised,...

Healthy Habits to Improve Your kidney Function

Your kidneys, which are around the size of your fist, serve a number of purposes. They do this by producing urine, which is then stored in your bladder and expelled from the body, filtering waste, toxins, and extra water out of your bloodstream. They support the balance of minerals in...