Legs frequently suffer from varicose veins, which occur when the veins just under the skin swell and twist. Due to the broken or worn-out vein valves, this disorder inhibits blood flow, causing blood to pool around the affected location. This is how the veins enlarge and develop a dark blue hue. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, if left untreated, it can lead to major problems. A lesser form of varicose veins affects certain people, but it is treatable without surgery. If you begin to experience a heavy sensation in your legs, followed by throbbing pain and swelling, surgical intervention becomes imperative.
A lesser form of varicose veins affects certain people, but it is treatable without surgery. If you begin to experience a heavy sensation in your legs, followed by throbbing pain and swelling, surgical intervention becomes imperative. Here are a few at-home treatments for varicose veins if you have been diagnosed with them.
- Regularly moving around
If your body does not pump blood back to your heart quickly enough, varicose veins develop as blood collects in your legs. Exercise can be beneficial since it causes your leg muscles to contract. The muscles assist pump blood back up to your heart by working against gravity.
- Make use of compression socks
Another method for treating varicose veins is wearing compression stockings. By raising their pressure, they assist in preventing blood from collecting in your legs and feet. This aids in pumping more blood up to the heart and reduces the quantity of blood that collects in your legs.
- Beat back inflammation
Try using non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, if your doctor is on board. Leg swelling is lessened by it. A natural anti-inflammatory is ice. Put ice packs or a pail of ice water on your feet and legs to relieve any pain. Ice also lessens varicose vein pain.
- Put your feet up
By raising your feet, you can avoid having blood pool in your legs because of gravity’s downward pull. When sitting at your work for an extended period of time, prop your feet up on a stool or some cushions to help you defy gravity. Avoid standing still for extended periods of time as well. Finally, when you go to sleep, raise the foot of your bed or put some cushions beneath your legs and feet. Your heart will receive the blood more readily.
- Eat healthfully
To avoid exerting too much strain on your feet, keep a healthy body weight. Try to lose excess body weight if you are overweight by eating a calorie-reduced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. If you drink water instead of juices and drinks, it can also aid in weight loss.
The discomfort, swelling, and suffering that varicose veins produce make them highly problematic. Medical treatment options should be taken into consideration if home cures for varicose veins do not achieve the desired relief. When ignored for a long time, varicose veins can get worse and cause excruciating pain. Regular checkups with doctors and other health professionals can lessen the symptoms of varicose veins and possibly prevent them from showing up.