Chickenpox: How to manage it and some home remedies for this infection 

Chickenpox is an infection, also known as Varicella-zoster which causes a red rash that blisters and then crusts over. It is very contagious in nature. Vaccines can help you avoid getting chickenpox and its subsequent complication, shingles. Managing this infection can be very stressful as it mostly affects children. Here are some tips for managing this infection and a few children-friendly home remedies.  

What is chickenpox?  

A skin rash is carried on by the illness known as chickenpox. The varicella-zoster virus is the pathogen responsible for the infection. If you haven’t received a chickenpox vaccine, the majority of people will contract the virus when you are young. A child who has chickenpox can readily infect other kids with the illness. Due to widespread vaccination, chickenpox is much less common today. It can get spread by coming in contact with the person who has chickenpox or breathing in the air in which the infected person sneezes or coughs.  

The following are the symptoms of this infection:  

• Fever  

• Headache  

• Stomach ache  

• Sore throat  

• Cough  

Managing the infection:  

• Avoid going to work or public areas, as this can spread infection to others.  

• Parents are urged to keep their kids out of daycare and school.  

• Applying unscented lotion on a regular basis  

• Dress in loose and silky cotton cloth  

• Continue to practice proper hygiene at home to prevent further infection  

• Use hot water and disinfectants to clean the bed sheets, towels, and bathroom linens that were used by the infected person.  

• Neem tree leaves are a natural antibacterial fumigant.  

Some home remedies for chickenpox:  

Calamine lotion: Calamine cream can contribute to easing itching. This lotion has zinc oxide and other soothing ingredients. Apply calamine lotion to itchy skin regions using a clean finger or cotton swab. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t apply calamine lotion to areas surrounding your eyes that have chickenpox.  

Serve sugar free popsicles: You can also develop oral chickenpox. This might be painful. One effective method of treating mouth sores in children is to encourage them to eat sugar-free popsicles. Additionally, this enables your kid to consume more water and prevent dehydration.  

Wear mittens to prevent scratching: While it may be tempting to scratch your blisters, doing so can make you feel worse and put your skin at risk. Put mittens or soft socks over your child’s hands at naptime or at night to avoid the need to scratch. It can also be beneficial to trim your child’s fingernails so they won’t scratch the afflicted areas.  

Take a bath in baking soda: Baking soda is an additional alternative for itch relief in a bath. You should add one cup of baking soda to a shallow, warm bath. Spend 15 to 20 minutes soaking. If your child finds this method relaxing, they are allowed to take up to three baths every day.  

If you are having the symptoms of chickenpox, visit your healthcare provider right away. They will provide you with the best medication and treatment for this infection. Rest as much as possible and avoid touching the infected skin. 

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