Helping you breathe easily again with the best health insurance plan for nasal infections

Your nose is an important organ of your body. It filters the air you breathe, and also traps dirt, dust and microbes so that these are not able to enter your respiratory system. It also warms and moistens the air to keep your lungs and the tubes leading from them from dying out. Your nose also contains nerve cells that help you to smell and sense. This way, your nose is an important organ and should be kept in the best condition so that it is able to perform its functions properly because if your nose suffers, your body will also suffer. Your nose can suffer from cold, infection, allergy or sinusitis. Nasal allergy is the inflammation of the nose due to irritating particles consisting of dust, dander and pollen. Symptoms of allergy include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and itchy nose and eyes.

Other common nasal diseases are discussed below:


Sinusitis or sinus is a chronic disease which is caused due to nasal obstructions, resulting in difficulty in breathing through the nose. The condition can develop due to allergies and related respiratory problems such as asthma. A chronic condition can develop due to an infection, or swelling of the lining of the sinuses. The biggest sinusitis cavity is maxillary cavity which most often becomes infected. A cold can also transform into a sinus infection.

There are four different types of sinuses, which are:

Acute bacterial sinusitis: There is a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain. It does not go away even after 10 days.

Chronic sinusitis: The condition results in nasal congestion, drainage, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.

Subacute sinusitis: The symptoms of this condition last for four to twelve weeks.

Recurrent acute sinusitis: In this type of sinusitis, the symptoms come back four or more times in one year, and at last less than two weeks each time.

Sinus can be caused due to many reasons, such as common cold, nasal and seasonal allergies, deviated septum, and polyps or growths.

Sinus is often diagnosed by an ENT (Eye, Nose and Throat) specialist with the help of a CT scan. It is treated with decongestants, nasal saline irrigation, and drinking fluids. If symptoms don’t improve after 10 days, the doctor may prescribe oral or topical decongestants, antibiotics, and intranasal steroid sprays.

Nasal and sinus polyps

Nasal polyps occur when the lining of the sinuses swell. Polyps can block the airways, and hence the person will experience difficulty in breathing. Polyps can also block the natural drainage of sinus cavities, leading to infection.


Also known as epistaxis, the condition can develop due to many reasons, such as nasal dryness, inflammation, high blood pressure, blood-thinning medications, chemotherapy, and liver or kidney diseases.

Deviated septum

Nasal septum is the wall that divides your nasal cavity in half. A deviated septum may cause blockage of one or both nostrils that cause difficulty in breathing, repeated sinus infections, frequent nosebleed, and postnasal drip.


Obstructive mucus drainage can lead to chronic mouth breathing. As the air is not moistened or warmed by the nasal mucus membrane, it can result in irritable coughs, sore throats, and hoarseness.

To treat complex nose conditions, the doctor may perform surgeries, such as revision surgery, which means the patient had surgery elsewhere but the polyps either came back, or the scar tissue hasn’t healed off. Nasal and other health issues may make your employees underperform. However, you can ensure that your employees are always in the best working condition by providing them with a customized health insurance plan developed by the experts of PrudentRx Program. Their experts will help you with professional advice on CVS copay optimization so that you have maximum coverage from PrudentRx drug list. Moreover, you can refer PrudentRx FAQs where you will find answers to most of the questions that might you might be skeptical about..

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