What to eat during malaria?

Malaria is a familiar concept that follows that of monsoons. It lowers the immune system and is caused by protozoa. This occurs due to the extensive usage of antibiotics in the disease’s treatment. Chills are the first sign of malaria, followed by fever, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Female Anopheles mosquitoes, which transmit high-grade fever, are responsible for its transmission. This mosquito spreads the disease’s parasite from one sick individual to another. The parasite infects red blood cells once it reaches the bloodstream. There is no specific diet for treating malaria, but it is essential to have enough nutrition so that the body can fight the illness. The main goal of a malaria diet should be to strengthen the immune system without endangering the kidneys, liver, or digestive tract. A malaria sufferer should consume several smaller meals throughout the day. 

Malaria frequently causes headaches, fevers, exhaustion, muscle pain, back pain, chills, sweating, dry coughs, liver enlargement, and vomiting. There could be severe blood loss, hypoglycemia, kidney failure, pulmonary involvement, cerebral malaria, jaundice, loss of consciousness, and even death in some more severe cases where other organs are affected. 

What you should consume to recover from malaria is as follows: 

  1. Consume hydrating juices 

Drink fast energy drinks when you have a fever to help you recover. The body burns more calories when it is feverish because of the increased metabolic rate. Not to mention, the number of calories needed changes as the temperature rises. Calorie intake is tricky because many malaria patients don’t have an appetite. It is crucial to eat foods that give energy right away under such circumstances, such as glucose, sugarcane juice, fruit juice, coconut water, and shikanji. 

  1. Ingest more vitamins 

Malaria frequently causes dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance. Consuming juice, stew, soup, rice soup, lentil soup, and coconut water is excellent for maintaining it. Vitamin A and C-rich foods may be helpful, including carrots, beets, papayas, and citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, pineapples, grapes, berries, and lemons. It’s also suggested that you take vitamin B complex supplements to strengthen your immunity. 

  1. Eat lots of proteins 

Our immune system depends on proteins; therefore, it is essential to consume enough of them. Foods like dals, poultry, and eggs are good choices for your diet. Cakes are an excellent method to eat eggs when appetite is low and taste receptors need to be persuaded; dals may be put into a soup and flavored with lemon. Milk, chaas, lassi, and yogurt give essential nutrients in addition to proteins. Probiotics, which enhance taste and digestion and reduce stomach symptoms, are also added to yogurt. 

  1. Have seeds and nuts 

Nuts and seeds are little nutritional powerhouses that contain good fats and proteins. Almonds that have been soaked or ground and added to milk provide much. Additionally, they contain a lot of phytonutrients, which help counteract the oxidative stress brought on by the virus.  

We sincerely hope that this advice was helpful. As a patient, you should urge frequent, modest meals to assist you in accepting the food. 

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