Essential oils having anti-aging properties

Naturally produced oily substances secreted through sebaceous glands are essential for the lubrication of our skin and hair. With time when the body reduces their secretion, the effects starts showing on our skin. Our skin starts lacking its moisture and shine. This eventually causes acnes, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles.

So, it is advised by skin care experts to include essential oils in the skin care regime. They constitute all the relevant ingredients that function similarly to the natural sebum on the skin. While you are buying beauty and skin care products such as serums, lotions, gels, anti-wrinkles creams etc., it is important for you to read the label on the product. By this way, you will get to know the ingredients present in that particular product. You should look out for the products that constitute moisturizing properties and essential oils.

Some of the oils essential for our skin include:

Sandalwood oil

This oil acts as a great moisturizing agent for the skin. It makes the skin soft, supple and also act as an anti-aging source. It helps in the formation of new skin cells and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. Sandalwood oil is also known for increasing thickness and elasticity of the skin. All these properties help in making the skin firm and younger looking.

Geranium oil

This oil is recommended for all skin types; oily, dry, combination and sensitive. You can mix geranium oil with moisturizers and toners. It will help retain moisture content in the skin, improve blood circulation and skin elasticity. 

Myrrh oil

This oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can massage it over the skin as it also includes anti-aging properties. Any sort of skin damage can be easily healed using this oil and acts as a barrier against further damage because of its antioxidant properties.

Grape seed oil

This oil contains antioxidant properties and acts as a guard against damage causing free radicals. If your skin is already damaged, it can heal it too. Grape seed oil is rich in Vitamin E making it great for slowing down the aging process. As we age, free radicals become more common in our body. This oil however, proves highly beneficial for skin.     

Clary sage oil

It is recommended to use this oil along with a good skin moisturizer. This oil has both anti-bacterial and anti-aging properties. By using this oil, you can expect results like tightening of pores and firmness in the skin.  

To improve your skin and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, incorporate these oils in your beauty and skin care regime. Apart from anti-aging properties, these above mentioned essential oils offer a lot of other health benefits too.   

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