The bean-shaped kidneys in our bodies carry out a variety of crucial tasks. In addition to filtering blood and balancing minerals, kidneys also create hormones, eliminate waste through urine, and maintain fluid balance. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most prevalent risk factors for renal disease. When the kidneys are impaired and injured, fluid can build up in the body and waste products in the blood can collect. Limiting or eliminating foods from your diet can help to enhance kidney function, reduce the buildup of waste products in the blood, and stop future damage. The following foods should be avoided if you have renal disease:
- Foods high in protein
Red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs from animals are higher in protein than other diets. Protein does contribute to muscle growth and tissue repair, but it also produces waste that your body must process. This is the duty of the kidneys, and eating too much protein in your diet makes them work harder and may hasten renal disease. However, since some protein is still necessary, you can also get it from low-sodium breads, rice, and paste, as well as from fruits and vegetables.
- Vegetables and fruits high in potassium
Potassium must be restricted in a diet for renal illness since it strains the kidneys. Melons, bananas, oranges, prunes, tomatoes, and many more are high in potassium when eaten or consumed in juice form. Additionally, the amount of the mineral is higher in dairy foods, avocados, bran, beans, lentils, and nuts. You might be shocked to hear that prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea, fruit punches, and dark-colored sodas are all higher in potassium. Apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken, and white rice are some examples of foods with reduced potassium content.
- Foods high in salt
Sodium, sometimes known as salt, is frequently added to many of the foods we eat, especially processed meals. However, salt has a significant impact on how much liquid your body retains. A fluid overload can raise blood pressure and harm your heart and lungs. Normal fluid balance is typically supported by healthy kidneys, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, stay away from packaged, processed foods and high-sodium goods like soy sauce. Choose low-sodium alternatives, and instead of adding salt when you’re cooking at home, try utilizing spices and herbs for flavor. Also, keep the salt shaker off the table so that you won’t be tempted to use it.
- Foods containing phosphate or phosphorus
Your body needs phosphorus to build bones, teeth, and to use fats and carbs. But if you’re on a diet for stage 4 kidney disease, it’s limited. Dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed meals, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal, oats, almonds, sunflower seeds, and once more, dark-colored colas are among the foods to stay away from. Corn or rice cereals, popcorn without salt, sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and various non-dark sodas are examples of foods with reduced phosphorus content.
We sincerely hope that this information was helpful; please let us know what you do to prevent kidney damage and which foods you avoid while receiving treatment for your kidneys.