Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which your skin cells start getting multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. It can make sore patches; bumpy red patches covered with white scales, on the skin as well as make your skin dry and itchy. It can appear in any part of the body like your knees, elbows, lower back, etc. This disease can’t pass from one person to another but it can happen in the member of the same family. Psoriasis is generally appearing in the early days of adulthood. In some serious cases, it can cover a large part of the body.
Symptoms of psoriasis
The key symptoms of psoriasis vary from mild to major eruptions that cover large areas. The disease symptoms and appearance varies according to the psoriasis severity and type. Some common symptoms include:-
- It can make plaques of red skin that are generally covered with silver-colored scales. It can make you feel itchy and painful and sometimes leads to crack and bleed. In some serious cases, it will grow and merge by the coverage of a large part of the body.
- It also leads to disorder of Pitted or thickened fingernails or toenails
- Swollen joints
Psoriasis patients are also prone to arthritis called psoriatic arthritis. It can lead to swelling and pain in the joint.
How psoriasis is diagnosed?
There is no special test for diagnosing psoriasis. Dermatologists will ask you about your family history and check your skin. The problem is a diagnosis based on your physical exam. In many cases, a doctor will take the sample of your skin and examine it under a microscope. With this, they will check the affected area in a better way to get right diagnosis.
Psoriasis duration
Psoriasis is a chronic lifelong disease. There is no permanent cure for this problem but it can become worsen or improve. In some cases, it takes months to clear up or even years also. Some patients experience psoriasis flares in cyclical patterns. Like, the disease can get better in summer but worsen in the winter
There are different treatments available that can help to slow down the growth of new skin cells and give relief to dry and itching skin. Your doctor will select the right treatment according to your condition, age, and overall health. Some common treatments are:-
- Steroid creams:- It will moisturize your dry skin. The doctor recommends you some lotions, cream, foam, shampoos, etc. that help in providing ease in the condition.
- Light therapy:- Doctor use ultraviolet light on the skin to reduce skin cell growth.
- Methotrexate:- This drug is used in serious cases only because it can lead to bone marrow and liver disease.
- Retinoids:- this type of drug is associated with vitamin A. It can leave serious side effects including birth defects, therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are planning to have a child.
- Cyclosporine:- This drug will suppress your immune system and is used in serious cases which do not respond to other treatments. The doctor will closely watch your health when recommend for.
- An enzyme inhibitor:- it’s a new form of drug used for long-term inflammatory diseases such as psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. This pill will block the production of a specific enzyme that supports in reducing other reactions which cause inflammation.
If you find any symptoms of psoriasis then you should immediately visit the doctors without any delay to get the right treatment.