Getting enough vitamin D is critical for optimal health. It plays a vital role in bone formation as well as maintenance and supports muscle function to boosts your immune system. It also helps your body to absorb calcium, improves mood, and prevents depression. While dietary sources are limited, vitamin D deficiency is increasingly being seen as a global public health issue. Healthy adults should take no more than 4000 IU per day. Those with medical conditions or who are at greater risk for deficiencies may require additional supplementation.
When your body doesn’t have enough vitamin D in your body is called Vitamin D deficiency. You should include food items like dairy products, cereals and other grains, eggs, fatty fish such as tuna and salmon, bread, and tuna to accomplish Vitamin D needs. Sunlight is actually the best way to produce vitamin D.
Symptoms associated with Vitamin D
- Getting infection often
The vitamin D is important for ensuring a strong immune system by allowing you to fight against viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. If you are sick like cold or flu then vitamin D deficiency contributes a key factor in it. The study shows that vitamin D deficiency can lead to respiratory tract infections like cold, pneumonia, etc.
- Bone and back pain
Vitamin D also helps in maintaining bone health. It works well in improving calcium absorption and reduces lower back pain and bone pain. People, who are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, may experience increase back and bone pain.
- Impaired wound healing
Slow healing of wounds after injury or surgery is also a sign of vitamin D deficiency. In the study, Vitamin D is beneficial for increasing the production of compounds that help in increasing the new skin formation and quick wound healing.
- Bone loss
It is important for calcium absorption and bone metabolism. People who are suffering from the bone loss may be caused due to vitamin D deficiency. Low bone mineral density is a sign of low calcium as well as vitamin D. Having an adequate amount of Vitamin D helps in maintaining blood levels and protects your bone mass as well as reduce the chances of fracture risk.
- Hair loss
Stress is also one of the key reasons for causing hair loss. It becomes severe due to nutrient deficiency. The low level of Vitamin D is also responsible for causing hair loss and linked with alopecia areata as well as developing the risk of disease. Alopecia areata is considered a serious hair loss problem and also linked with rickets that cause the soft bone in children due to vitamin D deficiency.
- Muscle pain
Vitamin D deficiency is also responsible for causing muscle pain. It can lead to a potential cause of muscle pain in adults and children. By taking vitamin supplements you can get ease in various types of pain.
Importance of Vitamin D
By having enough Vitamins D you can get protection against the following conditions:-
- Diabetes
- Heart problem and high pressure
- Immune system and infections
- Multiple sclerosis
- Prevent types of cancer like prostate, breast cancer, and colon
You can fulfill the Vitamin D by consuming nutritional supplements, food and taking 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight.